Have your say

Submit your suggestions, compliments and complaints

Jewish Care is committed to providing you with the highest quality services. If you are a client of Jewish Care, a family member, carer, volunteer, supplier or member of the wider community and would like to tell us about any aspect of our work, we want to hear from you.

We welcome your feedback in relation to our services, enabling us to continually improve these services and ensure that we are meeting your needs. Any feedback you provide, will not adversely affect the level of care you or your loved one receives from Jewish Care. You may also provide feedback anonymously, however we cannot keep you informed on the progress or outcome of the Your Say feedback you have submitted.

Your feedback enables us to constantly improve the quality of our services to you.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form, together we will strive for excellence.

With your feedback we will

  • Acknowledge it in a timely manner
  • Communicate with you throughout the process
  • Maintain confidentiality and privacy
  • Make improvements identified as a result of your feedback

Your details are optional, however we need them to contact you and provide you with feedback. All information will remain confidential.




I would like to provide Jewish Care with a...*

This field is required.

I am a...*

This field is required.

If you are NOT the resident/client, are they aware that you are making this complaint?*

This field is required.

What date did your experience occur?

If you have a complaint, how do you think we might best reslove it?*

I give permission for my feedback to be used in Jewish Care marketing e.g. website/newsletters*

This field is required.
We received your submission.

Interested in Aged Care or our Services?

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Annual Appeal 2025

Please Donate

Gary Smorgon House Open Day

Book a tour

Stay with us this Passover

Register your interest
Tuesday 25 Feb - 1 April (6 week program)

Tuning In To Kids Parent Program 2025

Find out more
Thursday 20 March & 27 March 2025

Tools & Techniques for Job Seeking Workshop

Learn More

Supporting you to live independently


Delivering excellent care and support, underpinned by Jewish values for the community we serve

Jewish Care's values are universal and enduring in nature, but are also particular to the Jewish approach to our values define who we are and underpin everything we do. Our foundational values are about people - they provide a moral compass for the way we respond to challenges and the decisions we make.

  • Events & Calendar
  • Careers & Volunteering
  • Fast of Esther

    Thursday 13 March

    Fast Day

    Food Restrictions

    Sad Day

  • Purim Eve

    Thursday 13 March

    Festive Day

    No Restrictions

  • Purim Festival

    Friday 14 March

    Festive Day

    No Restrictions

  • Shushan Purim

    Saturday 15 March

    Commemorative Day

    Festive Day

    No Restrictions

Our Commitment to Children and Young People

Jewish Care is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. Jewish Care commits to embedding the Victorian Child Safe Standards across the organisation. Investing in our people and our systems, through supervision, ongoing learning and development which enables us to promote and entrench a child safe culture.

Our people are our greatest asset

Jewish Care's Employment Centre is a professional employment service connecting people in the Jewish community with the right job