Have your say

Submit your suggestions, compliments and complaints

Jewish Care is committed to providing you with the highest quality services. If you are a client of Jewish Care, a family member, carer, volunteer, supplier or member of the wider community and would like to tell us about any aspect of our work, we want to hear from you.

We welcome your feedback in relation to our services, enabling us to continually improve these services and ensure that we are meeting your needs. Any feedback you provide, will not adversely affect the level of care you or your loved one receives from Jewish Care. You may also provide feedback anonymously, however we cannot keep you informed on the progress or outcome of the Your Say feedback you have submitted.

Your feedback enables us to constantly improve the quality of our services to you.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form, together we will strive for excellence.

With your feedback we will

  • Acknowledge it in a timely manner
  • Communicate with you throughout the process
  • Maintain confidentiality and privacy
  • Make improvements identified as a result of your feedback

Your details are optional, however we need them to contact you and provide you with feedback. All information will remain confidential.




I would like to provide Jewish Care with a...*

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I am a...*

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If you are NOT the resident/client, are they aware that you are making this complaint?*

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What date did your experience occur?

If you have a complaint, how do you think we might best reslove it?*

I give permission for my feedback to be used in Jewish Care marketing e.g. website/newsletters*

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Safeguarding Children

Our Commitment to Children and Young People

We promise to keep you safe, happy, and strong. At Jewish Care, we follow special rules called the Victorian Child Safe Standards. These rules make sure we do our best to protect you and stop anything bad from happening. If anything goes wrong, we'll always listen, be honest, and fix it. Your safety and happiness are super important to us.

The Child Safe Standards are:

  1. Our organisation welcomes Aboriginal children. We support them to express their culture and to enjoy their rights. We don’t allow racism.
  2. Child safety is important to everyone at all levels in Jewish Care. We document how we find, avoid, and stop risks of child abuse or harm.
  3. Our organisation supports children to know their rights to be safe from abuse, informed, and involved. We help them to talk openly and take part in decisions that affect them.
  4. Our organisation tells families and the community about what we do and how we keep children safe from harm and abuse. We help families to have a say and to take part in decisions that affect their child.
  5. Jewish Care understands that every child is different and has different needs. We will make sure that every child can get the information and help they need.
  6. Our staff know what they must do to keep children safe from abuse and harm. They record, report, and share information about child safety when they should. Staff who work with children have had the background checks they need.
  7. Children and their families know how to make a complaint and what happens when a complaint is made. Our staff know how to respond properly to complaints.
  8. Jewish Care trains staff to keep children safe from abuse and harm. Our staff know the signs of child abuse and harm and what to do if there are issues of abuse and harm.
  9. Our organisation makes sure children are safe when they use our services, settings and activities. This includes when children are online.
  10. Our organisation checks and improves the ways you keep children safe from abuse and harm.
  11. Our organisation has written policies about how to keep children safe from abuse and harm. They are easy to understand, and all staff follow them.

You have the right to feel safe and to be safe

Rights are things that help you have a safe, happy, and healthy life. Children have special rights to be safe and well cared for.

  • Being safe means, no one hurts you.
  • Feeling safe means, you feel comfortable and trust the adults looking after you.

Being safe and feeling safe is one of your rights!

When you are doing activities like drama or sport and when you go to places like school holiday care, or a place of worship (like a synagogue) the adults looking after you have to follow the rules and keep you safe.

What are the rules for adults when you are away from your parents?

Adults are not allowed to:

  • say or do anything that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable
  • touch you in any way that you don’t like or that makes you feel uncomfortable
  • hit or hurt your body.

There are special rules called the child safe standards

Adults in charge at many of the places children go must:

  • choose safe people to look after you
  • listen to you if you feel unsafe or worried
  • make things safer for you and stop you from being hurt
  • tell you who to talk to if you feel unsafe or worried.

What if an adult breaks the rules?

If there is an emergency, or you or someone else is in danger, call police on Triple Zero (000) immediately.

Or, tell an adult you trust.

This might be a parent, carer, another adult in your family, a teacher, coach or any other adult that you trust. They can get help so that you can stay safe.

If they don’t help you, tell another adult you trust or you can contact us on (03) 8517 5999 email [email protected] or click here to submit a concern.

You can also call the Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800 at any time for any reason.

What will happen if you tell us you have been abused, or think you might be abused.

  • We will listen to you
  • We will believe you and take you seriously
  • We won’t get into trouble
  • We won’t force you to do or say anything you do not want to
  • We will take actions to protect you and stop any abuse from occurring. This may include contact the police or Child Protection
  • You will have a say in decisions that affect you
  • We will provide you with support to help you feel safe. If you tell us what you think will help you to feel better, we will listen and assist you as much as we can
  • We will keep records of what you tell us, and what we don in response to what you tell us. These records are private, and we will act in accordance with the law in protecting your privacy

What is the Commission for children and young people?

The Commission for Children and Young People is a group of people whose job it is to help make sure that children and young people are kept safe. They do their best to make sure that adults follow the rules.

You can contact the Commission for information and advice on:

Call 1300 728 978 (freecall)

Email at [email protected]

Website at ccyp.vic.gov.au