Our aim is to ensure no one is disadvantaged by their financial circumstances. We provide government subsidised and privately funded home care packages tailored to your individual needs and preferences.
We encourage people already receiving In-Home support to contact us, as may also be able to offer more competitive rates than other providers.
We provide In-Home support to people from all religious and cultural backgrounds who wish to live independently, remain active in their own home and connected to their community.
We provide In-Home and Personal Care Services to:
- seniors,
- eligible Holocaust survivors,
- people living with a disability,
- people living with a chronic illness,
- people recovering from illness or surgery, and
- families and carers seeking respite.
Privately Funded Services
Any of our In-home or Active Living Services can be purchased privately.
If you are receiving lower levels of funded services and just need a 'top up', we can organise a coordinated program of funded and private services.
If you are waiting for a Home Care Package and need something to see you through, we can organise privately funded services until you are notified that your Home Care Package is ready.
Commonwealth Home Support Program
The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) provides light or short term medium intensity support for older people who need assistance to keep living independently at home. Carers of these clients can also benefit from services provided through the program. This program is federally funded and administered through the Victorian Department of Health.
While the Australian Government subsidises the CHSP services, aiming to keep the client co-contribution reasonable and affordable, you are expected to contribute to the cost of your care if you can afford it. Both the government subsidy AND the client co-contribution is used to deliver client services.
The CHSP Service Agreement will include your specific fee schedule as agreed with Jewish Care.
To access the CHSP you must register with My Aged Care or on 1800 200 422. If you require assistance to register for My Aged Care, please contact the Jewish Care Customer Contact Centre, which is open from 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday to Friday. Phone: 8517 5775.
Home Care Packages
Home Care Packages provide older people who want to stay at home with access to a range of ongoing personal services, support services and clinical care that aid with day-to-day activities. There are four levels of support:
- Home Care Level 1 - basic care needs up to $10,687 (annually)
- Home Care Level 1 - basic care needs up to $410 (per fortnight)
- Home Care Level 2 - low care needs up to $18,794 (annually)
- Home Care Level 2 - low care needs up to $721 (per fortnight)
- Home Care Level 3 - intermediate care needs up to $40,906 (annually)
- Home Care Level 3 - intermediate care needs up to $1,569 (per fortnight)
- Home Care Level 4 - high care needs up to $62,014 (annually)
- Home Care Level 4 - high care needs up to $2,379 (per fortnight)
To access the Home Care Package Program you must register with My Aged Care or on 1800 200 422. If you require assistance fro My Aged Care, please contact our Customer Contact Centre between 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday to Friday. Phone: 8517 5775
Home Care Package Fees
Package Management
Jewish Care Package Management fees cover the administration support for the smooth delivery of the services we provide to you. This includes:
- Preparation and delivery of monthly package statements
- Monitoring of your package funds
- Rostering of home care staff
- Customer Contact Centre
- Working to ensure we meet the Aged Care Quality Standards
Care Management
Care Management is an essential component of every Home Care Package. It can be provided in different ways, such as face-to-face, telephone or email. Care Management may include:
- Reviewing your Home Care Agreement, Support Plan and Budget
- Coordination and scheduling of services
- Aligning your care with other services you might be receiving
- Providing a point of contact for you and/or your family
- Identifying and addressing risks to your safety
We offer two levels of Care Management:- Fully-managed by Jewish Care
If you choose to self-manage your Home care Package, you will be expected to do a lot of the paperwork yourself. If you choose to have a Support Coordinator, we do all of the paperwork for you.
Exit FeeJewish care DOES NOT charge a fee when you leave the Home Care Package or move to another provider.
For more information about eligibility and In-Home Care packages, contact the Front Door on (03) 8517 5999 or submit an online enquiry below.