Our Partners
Whilst Jewish Care is a broad provider of many services, without quality partnerships with other agencies (both Jewish & non-Jewish) we would not be able to provide such a comprehensive service response for our community. The reality is that Jewish Care cannot do everything. We must continuously and rigorously evaluate our ability to provide relevant, sustainable, innovative and contemporary services.
In many cases, it is more prudent to work in partnership with other agencies who are experts in the provision of a certain service. Jewish Care is fortunate to have in place many partnership arrangements with quality service providers across an array of services.

Our Sponsors
Jewish care is a trusted, community-focused organisation which has almost 100% brand recognition amongst Victoria's Jewish community.
With strong connections at all levels, Jewish Care is ideally positioned to provide sponsors with the opportunity to leverage off our networks and reputation.
Jewish Care offers a range of sponsorship options for organisations to promote their business to a highly vibrant, interconnected and influential community.Become an active supporter of one or more of our events, publications and activities.
We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their generous sponsorship and support of our various events throughout the year.
2020 Friends of Montefiore Lunch
2020 Annual Appeal Dinner
2020 Circle of Care Functions
2020 Generations of Women Brunch
2020 Not In Our Community Online Event
To enquire about how to become a sponsor of a Jewish Care event or program, please contact Rebecca on (03) 8517 5786 or complete the form below.