Have your say

Submit your suggestions, compliments and complaints

Jewish Care is committed to providing you with the highest quality services. If you are a client of Jewish Care, a family member, carer, volunteer, supplier or member of the wider community and would like to tell us about any aspect of our work, we want to hear from you.

We welcome your feedback in relation to our services, enabling us to continually improve these services and ensure that we are meeting your needs. Any feedback you provide, will not adversely affect the level of care you or your loved one receives from Jewish Care. You may also provide feedback anonymously, however we cannot keep you informed on the progress or outcome of the Your Say feedback you have submitted.

Your feedback enables us to constantly improve the quality of our services to you.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form, together we will strive for excellence.

With your feedback we will

  • Acknowledge it in a timely manner
  • Communicate with you throughout the process
  • Maintain confidentiality and privacy
  • Make improvements identified as a result of your feedback

Your details are optional, however we need them to contact you and provide you with feedback. All information will remain confidential.




I would like to provide Jewish Care with a...*

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I am a...*

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If you are NOT the resident/client, are they aware that you are making this complaint?*

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What date did your experience occur?

If you have a complaint, how do you think we might best reslove it?*

I give permission for my feedback to be used in Jewish Care marketing e.g. website/newsletters*

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Residential Home Windsor

A new era in Australian aged care

Hannah & Daryl Cohen Family Building

K11 Union Street, Windsor
Melbourne, Victoria 3181
(Entrance Cnr Union Street and Punt Road)
Ph: (03) 8517 5700

Located at the gateway of Melbourne's most beautiful and grand city boulevard, the Hannah & Daryl Cohen Family Building opened in April 2020. This spacious 156-bed luxury aged care home was designed with residents independence, dignity and wellbeing in mind. The Hannah & Daryl Cohen Family Building is stage one of the Holckner Family Senior Living and Community Precinct, which will become the leading-edge aged care and community services facility for the Jewish community in Victoria.

Spanning nine storeys, this modern home comprises seven levels of residential aged care and two levels of essential community services including a synagogue, health and medical services, financial services, employment centre, rehabilitation services as well as light retail spaces for residents and visitors.

Our Hand-in-Hand model of support is built on the best-practice philosophy of a small household concept. By creating a household environment on each level, small ‘family' groups form naturally to make it feel just like home. The three-tiered aged care product offering – Traditional, Classic and Choice – combined with a host of exclusive amenities, will create a unique style of accommodation to enable a safe, secure and nurturing environment for independent living. 

With scenic views of Melbourne to be admired from all angles of the compass, this luxury accommodation will be a highly coveted address.

The Hannah & Daryl Cohen Family Building exemplifies Jewish Care's philosophy of enriching lives, and we invite you and your family to experience and enjoy all it has to offer.


Residential Aged Care

  • 156 beds and 7 levels of residential aged care
  • Memory care friendly living
  • Spacious dining, lounge rooms and kitchen
  • Terrace gardens on every level
  • Courtyard gardens
  • Sensory garden
  • Safe & secure children's playground

Community Services

  • Active Living Centre
  • Education Centre
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Financial services
  • Social work and case management services

Health & Medical Services

  • Therapy services
  • Podiatry
  • Sessional GP's and specialists
  • Dental services
  • Exercise and wellness space

Cultural & Community Hub

  • Synagogue
  • Succah
  • Kosher cafe
  • Art gallery

For sales and accommodation enquiries about Residential Home Windsor, please complete the online form below or contact Simone Illarietti on 0455 303 783 or email [email protected]

For naming right opportunities, please contact Orlee Schneeweiss on (03) 8517 5647.

Enquire now

*Security Check


Flyer - Feel at home

Flyer - Feel at home

Brochure - This is home - Hannah & Daryl Cohen Family Building

Brochure - This is home - Hannah & Daryl Cohen Family Building

Financial Information Statement (from 20 March 2025) - Windsor

Financial Information Statement (from 20 March 2025) - Windsor

Schedule of Fees and Charges for Residential and Home Care (from 20 March 2025)

Schedule of Fees and Charges for Residential and Home Care (from 20 March 2025)

Brochure - Hand in Hand

Brochure - Hand in Hand

Brochure - Residential Respite

Brochure - Residential Respite