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Talking across the divide - Tuesday 17 September 2024

Talking across the divide

Conversations about Israel and Palestine: When families disagree on the things that really matter

Life post-October 7 is challenging enough. What happens when you and your child view it differently - or are even in conflict?

The aftermath of October 7 continues to have profound and wide-ranging effects across our community. For many families, navigating different values and beliefs between generations can be a particular challenge, sometimes resulting in deep and painful divides. With emotions understandably running high,  this can be a uniquely hurtful and bewildering experience - for parents and young people alike.

In this session, clinical psychologist Dr Charlotte Keating will explore practical strategies to broach these challenging conversations with openness, curiosity and respect, to ensure that family relationships remain strong and connected - even in the face of great differences.

Date: Tuesday 17 September

Time: 7:30pm - 9:00pm

Venue: This is an online session. A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants the day before the session.


About the speaker:

Dr Charlotte Keating is a sought-after clinical psychologist, keynote speaker and media commentator. She is known for her warm and compassionate approach to the complex issues facing teens and families today. Alongside her private practice work with children, adolescents and young adults, Charlotte is a Director of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation and The World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights. 


This session is funded by the South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network as part of a Commonwealth Government initiative to support the mental health of the Victorian Jewish community.

A4 Brochure - Talking across the divide

A4 Brochure - Talking across the divide