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Jewish Care is committed to providing you with the highest quality services. If you are a client of Jewish Care, a family member, carer, volunteer, supplier or member of the wider community and would like to tell us about any aspect of our work, we want to hear from you.

We welcome your feedback in relation to our services, enabling us to continually improve these services and ensure that we are meeting your needs. Any feedback you provide, will not adversely affect the level of care you or your loved one receives from Jewish Care. You may also provide feedback anonymously, however we cannot keep you informed on the progress or outcome of the Your Say feedback you have submitted.

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Cash Course for Couples - Monday 28 April 2025

Cash Course for Couples

Taking the first step towards achieving your financial goals together


Date: Monday 28 April 2025

Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Duration: 2 Hours

Location: Gary Smorgon House (4-8 Freeman Street CAULFIELD, VIC 3162)


Event Description

At Cash Course for Couples, we empower young to middle-aged adults with financial know-how through mentoring and education. Cash Course for Couples services cover cash flow, budgeting, financial management, and literacy.

We provide comprehensive analysis and guided instructions with a proven plan for success. We aim to equip young couples with clear pathways for establishing fiscal best practices, preventing future hardship and alleviating both relational and financial strains.

‍By targeting this life stage, couples can lay solid foundations for future success. Through interactive workshops in small group settings, CCFC brings together a small group of couples to develop detailed plans and practical applications for fiscal responsibility.

Discussions include merging and structuring accounts, budgeting, maximizing tax structures, crisis prevention, fostering positive fiscal behaviour and setting financial goals. Our goal is to instill smart money habits, prevent financial crises, and foster transparent communication for couples in managing personal finances.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost associated with the Cash Course for Couples?

Yes, a token fee of $20 per attendee. (i.e. $40 per couple)

How long is the Cash Course for Couples workshop?

The workshop is structured as a single evening session, with a duration of two hours.

What topics does the Cash Course for Couples cover?

Setting financial goals as a couple, Creating a tailored budget, Managing joint bank accounts, Discussing and resolving money conflicts, Planning for major life events like buying a home or having children, Building an Emergency Fund, Understanding investment options for couples.