We know that mental ill health does not discriminate. There are countless individuals and families across our community who have struggled with its impacts, and particularly so in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Serious mental illness is a whole-of-life experience, and Jewish Care therefore aims to provide a whole-of-life response. Services are tailored to the individual, and both complement and collaborate with existing community and clinical mental health services. Our support is reassuring, hopeful and non-judgemental.
Our social workers can assist with a range of needs, such as support to access and navigate the acute mental health system; community assessment and treatment; support with discharge planning; advocacy (including cultural education for mental health services); GP liaison; and other wellbeing supports, including links to counselling and psychology services.
In addition to our direct services, we also provide community education about mental health and wellbeing.
‘The social worker at Jewish Care was great. While I was in hospital, they worked with the Alfred and the GP to put together a plan for when I was discharged. They sorted out my housing and helped me to find a psychologist that specialised in men’s depression. After a while I joined the parenting program, which was good for learning new ways to manage the kids. Things feel a lot more stable now. Now that I’m feeling more settled, I’ve started to look for work – they’ve been really helpful in finding employers that understand the mental health side of things. Most of all, they really listened and understood. Having them at the other end of the phone made me feel like things would be okay.’ – Simon, 48
If mental illness is affecting your life, please reach out. Contact the Front Door on 8517 5999.